Description of practice

In the practice of strip cropping, fields are partitioned into long narrow strips and cultivated as part of a crop rotation system. Strip cropping is mainly practiced to control pests by using crops which differ in pathogen susceptibility. It is sometimes also used to prevent soil erosion by wind or water.

Examples of how to use strip cropping Further information
(see Note below)

AMP33 01

Flower strips for biological pest control

Flower strips are planted in rice fields as habitats for beneficial pest-controlling arthropods. 


»WOCAT technology 1720

AMP33 02

Strip farming

Cereals are grown in a strip-fallow pattern to protect the soil from wind. Strips 50 m wide are oriented perpendicular to the wind direction. Cereal and fallow strips alternate from year to year.


»WOCAT technology 995

AMP33 03

Strip intercropping

Several crops are grown in narrow (<3 m) strips next to each other. This intercropping increases biodiversity, inhibits the spread of pests and diseases and allows optimal use of nutrients, water and sunlight.


»Landbou met natuur

AMP33 04

Contour strip cropping

Alternate strips of row and cover crops or small grains are planted along contour lines. Runoff from the row crop strip is trapped in the neighbouring strip, reducing soil erosion and pollution of waterways. 


»Plant Life

Note: Most of the Further information links are to a full description of the example in the WOCAT database. However sometimes the link may be to similar practices or a research paper. Occasionally the link is to a commercial product in which case it should be understood that this does not imply any endorsement of the product by iSQAPER.

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