Description of practice

Gully rehabilitation serves to mitigate gully development or rehabilitate degraded lands. Frequently the aim is to reduce surface water flow velocity and/or protect gully banks and heads through construction of checkdams. While interventions do have on-site effects, they are often undertaken with off-site interests in mind.

Examples of how to use gully rehabilitation Further information
(see Note below)

AMP06 01

Check dams from stem cuttings

Stem cuttings from trees that have the ability to strike root are used to rehabilitate gullies. These living barriers retard concentrated runoff and fill the gullies gradually with sediment.


»WOCAT technology 1719



AMP06 02

Gully control by plantation of Atriple

Gullied slopes are rehabilitated  by a plantation of Atriplex halimus fodder shrubs. The treated area is fenced off to facilitate plant growth and diversity.


»WOCAT technology 1110



AMP06 03

Filling gullies with vegetative structures

Barriers of willow branches and live mulberry cuttings are used to trap loess soil eroded by runoff to reclaim and infill eroded gullies.


»WOCAT technology 1450


AMP06 04

Gully rehabilitation using gabions and vegetative cover

Gabions with plantations of spanish drok (Spartium junceum L) are used to stabilize a gully.


»WOCAT technology 1541


AMP06 05

Gully control through silt fences, erosion blankets and brush packing

Gullies with active erosion are rehabilitated by re-sloping the banks of the gully to manage the energy of the water entering the system. Bare soil is protected from erosion by covering it with erosion blankets and brush packing.


»WOCAT technology 3359


AMP06 06

Permeable rock dams

Permeable rock dams are built in gullies serve to restore seriously degraded farmland and forest/rangeland. They slow the flow of floodwaters and spread the water over adjacent land.


»WOCAT technology 1734

Note: Most of the Further information links are to a full description of the example in the WOCAT database. However sometimes the link may be to similar practices or a research paper. Occasionally the link is to a commercial product in which case it should be understood that this does not imply any endorsement of the product by iSQAPER.

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