Main authors: Jane Brandt, Giovanni Quaranta, Rosanna Salvia, Gottlieb Basch, Fernando Teixeira, Marie Wesselink, Julie Lemesle, Antonio Ferreira, Adelcia Viego, Jorge Mataix Solera, Fuensanta Garcia, Costas Kosmas, Orestis Kairis, Chrysa Aratzioglou, Matjaž Glavan, Zoltán Tóth, Olga Vizitiu, Irina Calciu, Jerzy Lipiec, Magdalena Frąc, Boguslaw Usowicz, Endla Reitam, Minggang Xu, Haimei Fu, Hongzhu Fan.
iSQAPERiS Editor: Jane Brandt
Source document: Brandt, J. et al. (2020) Demonstration of recommended agricultural management practices and SQAPP in the iSQAPER study sites. iSQAPER Project Deliverable 6.4 (additional) 71 pp


In the final phase of iSQAPER, demonstrations events were organised in the all the study sites (with the exception of Zhifanggou Watershed) to demonstrate and discuss the local soil quality assessment and recommended management practices provided by SQAPP (among other things). The full details of the events are given in »Demonstration events in the study sites.

A total of 483 people participated in 11 events including representatives from all the target groups of stakeholders (farmers, advisors, suppliers, researchers, students, policy makers and administrators). During the events feedback was collected from some 220 of the participants in response to the following questions.

  • What aspect of the SQAPP app interests you most?
  • Are there any improvements or changes you think should be made to SQAPP to make it a tool that you would use regularly?

The feedback was evaluated and taken into account in further development of SQAPP (»Developing SQAPP) and in preparing material to promote SQAPP to the different stakeholder groups (»SQAPP for different types of user).

What aspect of the SQAPP app interests you most?

D6.4 Q08

The three most frequent response types from the Europeans were

  1. Data provided on soil properties “The availability of soil data for specific area.” (male agronomist, Crete)
  2. Management recommendations “Tips on how to improve soils.” (male farmer, Slovenia)
  3. Soil quality evaluation provided “Fast results about soil quality." (male student, Estonia)

The three most frequent response types from the Chinese were

  1. Data provided on soil properties “The database is very powerful.” (male farmer, Qiyang/Gongzhuling)
  2. Potential to add own data “All users can update the data.” (female researcher Qiyang/Gongzhuling)
  3. (equally): Soil quality evaluation and Accessibility of data, ease of use “I can know the quality of my farmland by the APP.” (female farmer, Qiyang/Gongzhuling) “Data download is very convenient.” (male agro-technician Qiyang/Gongzhuling)

Are there any improvements or changes you think should be made to SQAPP to make it a tool that you would use regularly?

D6.4 Q09

The most frequently requested improvement from users in both Europe and China was to have more of the text translated from English into their own language. The two other most frequently requested improvements from the Europeans were

2. User input data “Inputs from users should be checked by experts since there is always a risk for not valid data or data entry mistakes.” (female agronomist, Crete)
3. More specific recommendations for local methods/practices “Recommendations that are more suitable in Estonian conditions.” (female student, Estonia)

The two other most frequently requested improvements from the Chinese were

2. Android version Because, at the time of testing, SQAPP was only available on Apple’s App Store in China, the second most frequent request was for an Android version of the app.
3. Soil data temporal/spatial resolution “I think it needs improvement in accuracy.” (male researcher, Qiyang/Gongzhuling)



The full report contains all the questionnaire responses

Section 2.3 of the following report contains gender disaggregated analysis of the questionnaire responses