Policy relevant conclusions
Main authors: | Thorfinn Stainforth, Luuk Fleskens, Catherine Bowyer |
iSQAPERiS editor: | Jane Brandt |
Source document: | Stainforth et al. (2020) Inventory of policy relevant data and sources extracted from WPs 3-7 and applicable to policy design: the importance of effective data combining. iSQAPER Project Deliverable 8.2, 20 pp |
In this section of iSQAPERiS we give an overview of the importance of data combination for better soil quality assessment (and hence better policy making). We also give an inventory of policy-relevant data and information arising from the iSQAPER project.
Soils are a complex system and provide multiple ecosystem services and functions, and they are faced with numerous combined threats. To provide an accurate picture of a soil’s utility or quality, one data point is not sufficient, one parameter or indicator does not provide a true understanding (Bongiorno 2020). Soil quality can only be assessed by a combination of indicators, capturing soil physical, chemical and biological properties (Bünemann et al. 2018). The choice of indicators used depends on the targeted soil functions or ecosystem services.
iSQAPER looked at the assessment of soil quality and here we bring together some important examples for data combination that helps to support better soil assessment, and in so doing, policy making across all the spheres touched by soil threats, from agriculture and nature protection to climate mitigation and adaptation.
»Opportunities for data combining - examples from iSQAPER
iSQAPER has developed a wide range of policy relevant data and sources. These are presented in relation to the most relevant policy goals and instruments being developed as of 2020, and the main scientific outputs of the project.
»Policy relevant data from iSQAPER